
31 May 2012

30 Day Summer Shape Up, Day 11

Who says exercising has to be drudgery?  I was stuck in the car for half of today, which could have been really annoying except that I had really good music and that put me in a fantastic mood.  When I'm really happy it makes me want to dance or sing.  I know that makes me sound like a character in some cheesy movie geared towards teenyboppers, but it just so happens to be true.

Me, dancing in my past life, circa 2000.
So I sang all around the Chesapeake Bay and as I considered the hour and that I hadn't fulfilled my challenge requirement for the day, it occurred to me to just go home and dance.  I came home, ran upstairs to my loft, cranked the stereo all the way up and danced until I felt like I couldn't - hair damp, clothes soaked.  How wonderful, it had been a while. 

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