
15 March 2013

The Latest News

I'm going to take a break this time from posting exercises and just talk about what's going on with me.  I've been working as a temp lately and when good opportunities have been coming up, I've been taking weeks off of therapy to pursue them, with the full support of the clinic staff.  They're really great people.

When I first went back to work, I was still not in very great shape.  A couple of times I hobbled into PT appointments and we skipped exercises in order to just concentrate on fixing me.  Part of that was teaching me ways to cope with stuff I might have to deal with on a job: standing for a while, bending, picking things up.  I learned valuable techniques to deal with all of this and after several weeks, I maybe would come home tired, but not in any extra pain.

After discussing this at yesterday's appointments, my therapist decided that we would drop my appointments down to one day a week, with the intention of weaning me down and letting me get back to my regular life.  She says I'm doing fantastic and I've gotten much stronger.  Another cool thing happened.  When I jumped on the scale yesterday morning, for the first time in months I was down out of a weight range that's scary to me.  I love moving the big block down a notch!  I'm now only 15 pounds away from where I was when I was doing so well last summer.

I feel I can say with confidence that I refuse to let myself get that heavy again.  Much in the same way as when I first starting gaining weight from all this mess I set a dress size number in my head, and I told myself if it ever got to where I needed to buy that size, I would sit in the house naked until I lost enough  weight to fit into smaller clothes.  I'm proud to say it has never, will never come to that.  It really is a matter of personal choice.  When you see people who let themselves get humugous, they deicde to let that occur.  Have a conversation with any of them.  They don't eat well and they never move.  That's exatly how I gained weight.  I just chose to put an end to it before it made me totally hate myself.

There aren't shortcuts.  Crash diets will bite you in the rear when you get older and your metabolism is completely shot from it.  You have to make yourself learn to like foods that are better for you and you have to exercise.  That's all there is to it.  Most of the people you see that have killer bodies bust their asses for them.  If you want one too, you have to be willing to do the same.  I'm willing to do the work. That's what I have to say for now.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.