
10 May 2012


So some of you are probably noticing that last week I was in Massachusetts and now... Virginia?  Yeah, it was a leap - and a really necessary one.  Several weeks ago I was cold, pale and grossly unhappy with my living situation, and my life in general.  When things look lousy for longer than you think you can bear, you start to let yourself settle for sub-par scenarios.  I have no one to blame but myself for allowing myself to exist in a head space where it's okay to make bad choices. And I acknowledged that if I wanted to not just survive, but thrive, changes had to be made.  So I set about making some.

I accepted that my commitment to living healthy alone was not enough to sustain me in my present environment, so I sat up late one night a few weeks ago and I thought about my recent choices, my present options, and most importantly which decision would lead to my greatest happiness.  I realized that all the choices I'd made in the past year or so were made based on what was most convenient - primarily to others.  It was time to make choices based on what matters, to me.  I remembered that an old friend from my hometown had been making off-hand comments for about a year about how she wanted a better roommate and how much I would like her place in Virginia.  Since it had never been mentioned more than casually, I didn't know how serious the offer was.  When I asked her about it, her instant reply was, "Come tomorrow!!"  Well, I couldn't make that happen, but I did set the machine in motion.

It wasn't easy to pull off, but I did it all on my own in under a week.  And here I am.  I left Boston in a winter coat.  On the third of May.  I arrived in Norfolk on the fourth in a tank top and shorts.  I already have a decent starter tan.  I had to take a break on the exercise, but I think moving and unpacking ought to count for something!  Maybe more than what I was doing up north since these tasks have kept me busy from morning until night since I've been here.  I started walking in Boston for lack of a better plan of action.  Here I can walk, or bike, or swim (in the ocean if I want to).  I plan to start back on a regular exercise schedule this weekend.  I'm at the start of a brand new adventure and I can't wait to see how everything turns out.

On the deck in my new house.  Warm, tan, happy.

1 comment:

  1. Perfecto! Glad you did this for you and you and you. You might say me, myself and I or the three I's in IndIvIdual. All the best. :-)
