
26 May 2012

30 Day Summer Shape Up, Day 6

In the spirit of the holiday weekend, I thought I'd meet the day's requirement outdoors.  So my roommate and I headed out armed with yummy homemade smoothies and went to the local beach.  It was a perfect day to go, the sky almost cloudless after a week of frequent spring showers and the beach was packed.

Norfolk is covered in Mermaids.  I love it.

I mentioned in my first post in this series how I'm awed by the majesty of the ocean, but I recently found out another reason I'm so drawn to that locale and why it's a good idea to get in a workout  there at least occasionally when I read this article on negative ions posted on Twitter by Jennifer Fitone.  If you're not following her you ought to.  Her feed is full of posts I find quite useful and informative.  Quoting from the article, "negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy."  Hey, that all sounds pretty good to me!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Memorial Day weekend.  Have fun and be safe!

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