
05 June 2012

30 Day Summer Shape Up, Day 16

This morning I thought I'd revisit the 10 Minutes Solution: Pilates video I wrote about on Day 4.  I did the Pilates For Abs section again, happy to note that the one move I couldn't do then I managed today (with slight difficulty, but still).  Then for an added challenge I also went through the Pilates Burn routine.  I'm happy to see that I can take on more of a challenge.  I thought my back was bothering me for several days and I think what was going on is that my core muscles were getting stronger.  I'm starting to feel stronger all around.  I'm noticing muscle definition in my thighs and calves I haven't seen in a good couple of years.  I don't know that I'm ready for before and after pictures just yet, but they are forthcoming.

Here's the thing, also:  I don't know if any of you noticed my goal on my weight loss ticker at the bottom of the page.  That 65 lbs. I've been working on losing only represents what I've been working on this year.  At the beginning of 2011 I was 100 lbs. overweight.  I'm looking at the screen  as I write this and can hardly believe I'm able to say that, but it's true.  And my weight went up and down a few times last year due to extenuating circumstances with different health issues.  But somehow, without the drive or inclination to take exercising seriously I managed to lose half that weight.  50 lbs. overweight puts you into the obesity BMI bracket.  You never see these things coming, it just snowballs on you.  It's as if one day you wake up and you're sewn into a suit that looks terrible on you, and there's no way for you to take it off.  I was overjoyed to upgrade to just regular old "overweight."

15 lbs. from now, I'll no longer be overweight.  I don't foresee this being a problem.  But since this is about fitness and not vanity for me, I'm not stopping there.  When I took dance as a child all our classes were half an hour of stretching and "tumbling" (gymnastics), and then half an hour of dance.  I've not been in such good shape since I quit taking those classes when I was 11.  I want that body back.  I want every inch of me strong again.  I'm pretty sure I can do it.

Have a lovely day, everyone.

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