
17 October 2012

I'm back!

After what I'll call a long "fitness relapse" following a hospitalization this summer and a very stupid and unnecessary distraction, I decided to return to good nutrition and fitness.  I had let myself wallow in negative feelings after some major changes and disappointments occurred in my life and the setback cost me.  I gained a good 20 lbs. or so and lost most of the muscle tone I had acquired during the summer challenge. I felt overwhelmed and helpless, but eventually a thought occurred to me: Sometimes the thing that needs to change is not your situation, but your perception of it.  And with that, I decided to dust myself off and get back to work with getting myself healthy and stronger and feeling less pain.  I was doing great before.  I know I can do it again.
I discussed my plans with my spine rehab doctor and he prescribed four to six weeks of physical therapy before I try to take on any exercise regime of my own.  I met with my new physical therapist this morning and I thought things went very well.  I had done research on local physical therapists when I made the appointment and I'm quite happy with my choice.  My journey begins again tomorrow and I will be chronicling my efforts and progress as per usual.
I'm so happy to be back.  I hope this post finds everyone well and happy.  Good night!